- Mandatory coaches/managers meeting will be held Friday before the tournament (time TBD) to verify rules and rosters.
- A coach, manager, or team representative MUST attend this meeting.
- The Tournament Director will not be responsible if a change of the schedule was made and a team was not present.
- Each team may have a maximum of twenty (22) players on their roster.
- All Rosters are Final at midnight January 12th before the tournament.
- Rosters must be done electronically and verified by the Manager.
- Players are allowed to play on only one (1) team in a division.
- Players must appear on the roster to be eligible to play.
All players must have a valid government-issued photo I.D. with date of birth.
- Players are required to have their I.D. available at the field for all games in the event that a protest is made regarding the players’ age.
- Any player using ID other than US/Canadian/Mexico Drivers license must carry multiple forms of ID.
- Wristbands will be used to indicate ID has been checked.
- Wristbands must be worn for the duration of the tournament.
- Wristbands issued after your first game will be issued at a cost of $20.00 each, regardless of when the player arrived in Vegas.
- ID scanners will be employed randomly throughout the event.
- Having a player with a fake ID will result in the ejection of your entire team, and severe punishment.
- Coaches or managers are responsible for making sure that the proper score is recorded on the referee’s score card at the end of each game.
- Every team is required to pick up after themselves.
- Trash containers are available throughout the soccer complex.
- Additional trash bags can be obtained at the concession stand.
This tournament will be played under FIFA Rules, however the following modifications apply.
- Have Fun! Don’t cheat or be a jerk.
- All games will be considered as final and no protest will be allowed, not applicable to forfeiture defaults or imposition.
- Team rosters will be a requirement at the start of the tournament. Fielding players not on the roster who are not of age or have not registered online and signed the liability waiver will result in that team’s forfeiture and ejection.
- All players must be of the age of the group that they are playing in. Age is determined not by date of birth but by the calendar year of birth. This means the player must be or turn the age of the bracket by December 31 of the tournament year. Age can only be questioned by the team captain or manager. If there are any questions about age, the manager of the team (not a player) needs to ask the referee to check the player in question’s ID. An age protest may only be made prior to the start of play, at the half time or immediately upon final whistle; the player in question must present the ID before the game clock runs down or within 5 minutes of final whistle, but the player cannot play until cleared by the referee. At the time of protest both teams will repair to the sideline. The team managers, the referees and the player in question will meet in the middle of the field. No other persons are allowed on the field at this time. The referee will inspect the ID and their judgment will be final. Upon presentation, play will resume until the end of time. If ID is requested at the end of play the player must present their ID within 5 minutes of the request.
- THIS RULE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED: Teams that field ineligible players will be assessed with an automatic 0-3 loss on all games. The team will be ejected from the tournament and the team and all players may receive a 1 year suspension from Soccer in Sun tournaments.
- Slide tackling is not allowed. Any slide tackles will result in a Red Card. If both teams in a game so choose, team managers may confer with the referee prior to the game at hand to amend the rule for the game being played. Slide tackling must be directed at the ball. Any slide tackles directed at players may result in a Red Card. Slide tackling is allowed in competitive divisions only. Sliding to stop a ball is acceptable only so long as no opposing players are in the vicinity of said ball. The referee has final discretion on this rule.
- Unlimited substitutions will be permitted at any break in play upon notifying the referee.
- Yellow Cards entail an automatic five (5) minute cooling off period. The player may be substituted. This includes goalies.
- A player ejected for a red card will automatically miss his team’s next game. Depending on the severity of the ejection, the Tournament Director has the right to extend the suspension.
- A player ejected for fighting or striking another player or referee, will be suspended for the rest of the tournament. The team will play future games with one less player.
- A player or team official (coach or manager) who physically attacks a player, referee, or tournament official will be suspended from the rest of the tournament and possibly all future tournaments, at the discretion of the tournament director.
- Any player caught playing that is not on the official team roster will be disqualified and the team that allowed him to play will forfeit the game.
- Teams that forfeit games by no-show will not be invited to future tournaments. Any team missing a consolation game will be sanctioned.
- Players may be of any gender, so long as the player meets the age requirement of their given bracket.
- The first-place champion teams will be granted a discount off registration of the 2025 King Cup tournament in their bracket if tournament occurs with that age group and the 2025 age group this year and next year is of 8 teams or more. Teams must still pay initial registration fee.
- Games are 60 minutes with 30-minute halves and a 5-minute rest. No tie-breaking in tournament play. Quarter-final ties broken with 5 penalty kicks then ended by sudden death with the first missed goal. Semi-final and final ties broken with Penalty Kicks.
- Teams shall have a 15-minute grace from start time until issued forfeiture for no show unless otherwise decided by the tournament director.
- If teams have uniforms that are the same color, the team designated as the home team needs to change their uniform.
- If any issues arise on the fields, the team manager or captain needs to bring the issues to the referee’s attention and the referee will contact the tournament director if necessary.
- Any use of foul language will receive a yellow card. This enforces the first cautionable offense against unsporting conduct as listed in FIFA’s soccer laws.
- Any dissent to the referee by a player or person other than the team captain or manager will receive a yellow card. This enforces the second cautionable offense against “dissent by word or action”.
- The $395 registration fee is non-refundable. If team registration payment of $1,400 is not received by October 31, 2023 reservation is forfeited to a team on the Waitlist. Cancellation penalties are as follows: for the refundable portion of your entry, 100% is refundable up to October 31, 2023. $300 penalty applies to cancellations prior to December 1st, 2023. $600 penalty applies to cancellations prior to January 1st,2024. All payments are 100% non-refundable from January 1st onward. Tournament organizers reserve the right to cancel the tournament for any reason at any time. In such an event, full refunds will be issued.
- After you have paid your online reservation fee please send final Registration fee payments via CHECK to:
Travel Leaders – Travel Center Inc.
1142 Broadway Suite 100 Tacoma WA 98402Make check payable to Travel Center Inc and Include your team name and age division in the subject line of the check.
A discount of $700 will be applied to teams that book 6 or more rooms through Details will be in your registration confirmation email.
- All Players must individually register and digitally sign the liability waiver. All players must wear tournament wristbands to play in the tournament. Wristbands are issued at the beginning of the first match. Wristbands issued after the first match will be issued at a fee of $20.00 per player.
- Any breach in the rules or requirements may result in a team’s forfeiture. Rules
- Any breach in the rules or requirements may result in a team’s forfeiture. Rules grievances may be lodged with the tournament director at any time. Tournament Director has final say in all rules
The point system is as follows:
6 points for a win
4 points for a tie
1 point for every goal, up to 3 goals
1 point for shut out win (not a 0-0 tie)
1 point loss for a red card
Point Tie breakers are as follows:
1. Head-to-head result
2. Goal Differential
3. Least goals against
4. Most goals scored
5. Red cards
6. Coin toss
REMINDER: Team managers are entirely responsible to ensure that all players are properly registered and meet the age restrictions of the group that they are playing in. You further agree to convey the following waiver and release of liability information to your players and agree that they have read and understand the tournament rules and the Tournament Waiver and Release of Liability. Your submission of the roster with all players’ names and signatures confirms this action.
KING CUP 2023 REQUISITOS GENERALES REUNIÓN MANDATORIA PARA TODOS LOS ENTRENADORES O REPRESENTANTES DE EQUIPOS. LISTA DEL EQUIPO IDENTIFICACIÓN DE JUGADORES CEDULAS DE JUEGO BOLSAS Y BOTES DE BASURA REGLAS DEL TORNEO Este torneo será jugado bajo reglas de FIFA; con excepción de las siguientes modificaciones que serán aplicadas: ESTA REGLA SERÁ ESTRICTAMENTE APLICADA. Equipos que jueguen con jugadores inelegibles perderan en automatico sus 3 partidos con un marcador de 0-3, aun y que le falten partidos por jugar. Este equipo será expulsado del torneo y el equipo y todos los jugadores pueden recibir una suspensión de 1 año de los torneos de Soccer in Sun. NO HABRA EXCEPCIONES. SISTEMA DE PUNTUACION El sistema de puntuación será el siguiente: En caso de que haya equipos empatados en puntos, el desempaté se determinara de la siguiente manera: RECORDATORIO: Entrenadores ó representantes de los equipos serán responsables de asegurarse de que los jugadores estén registrados apropiadamente y cumplan con la edad requerida dependiendo de la categoria en el que estén jugando. Además, cada entrenador es responsable de asegurarse que cada jugador reciba la siguiente información con referencia a la renuncia de responsabilidad, y que cada jugador entienda todas las reglas del torneo. La entrega por parte del entrenador de la lista de jugadores con los nombres y firmas de cada jugador, confirman que el en entrenador acepta esta responsabilidad.REGLAS - Spanish