Hello, Soccer Friends!
KING CUP is January 15th – 17th, 2022.
Soccer in Sun invites you to compete in the 2023 King Cup soccer tournament. The King Cup is the number one recreational soccer tournament in the United States. It is an adult men’s 11 v11 tournament hosting the best teams from around the world. Located in the desert oasis of Las Vegas, Nevada, teams can expect great competition, comfortable accommodations, and plenty of fun on and off the pitch.
There are thousands of players participating in our Las Vegas soccer tournament from all over the world! The tournament has been run by Alex Trettin and his awesome crew since 2003. With the amazing staff and group of referees, the King Cup continues to thrive year after year.
Soccer matches begin at 8:AM on January 15th and end on Monday the 17th by 1:PM. Join us to compete across 11 sports complexes for the coveted title of Soccer Champion and bragging rights for the rest of the year. If you have tournament questions please call Alex Trettin at 1-800-935-0123 or 253-383-8000
Questions can be answered in our FAQ.